Note- These are just general guidelines, and we can never guarantee fit. There are so many different helmet companies, please refer to the size and cm listed on the item page for the best fit. You can never compare the helmet you own now to a new helmet your are ordering.

As a rule of thumb, your helmet should sit tight, without causing pressure points. If your helmet is too large it can slip during a fall. To make sure that doesn't happen, allow us to help you find the optimal size. You may also want to factor in , if you are going to wear a skull cap or beanie under your helmet? Then allow for more room in the helmet.

Helmet sizes are given in XS, S, M, L, and XL, as determined by the head circumference (in cm). Measure your head circumference just above the eyebrows with a tape measure and note down the measurement. As every brand has a slightly different fit, it's important to check each respective size chart.

Image result for snowboard helmet size chart

Men's Helmets
Size S/M L/XL 2XL/3XL
Hat Size 6 3/4 - 7 1/8 7 1/8 - 7 5/8 7 5/8 - 8
Circumference 54-57 cm 57-60.5 cm 60.5-63.5 cm
21.25-22.44" 22.44-23.82" 23.82-25"
Women's Helmets
Size XS/S M/L
Hat Size 6 1/2 - 7 7 - 7 3/8
Circumference 52-55.5 cm 55.5-59 cm
20.47-21.85" 21.85-23.23"
Youth (8-15) Helmets
Size S/M M/L
Hat Size 6 3/4 - 7 1/8 7 1/8 - 7 3/8
Circumference 54-57 cm 57-59 cm
21.25-22.44" 22.44-23.23"
Kids' (3-8) Helmets
Size XS/S S/M
Circumference 48-51.5 cm 51.5-54.5 cm
18.9-20.28" 20.28-21.46"